Light level for a workplace is a significant factor for productivity and mood of staff. Poor lighting (as a result of light flickering, strong glare, excessive contrast, uneven distribution or under supply) can lead to problems like occupational accidents, headaches and eye illnesses. Proper lighting, on the other hand, reduces electricity cost, reduces risk of occupational accidents, creates aesthetics and improves concentration and accuracy in work.

It is therefore important that you understand the adequacy and quality of light for your office. The quality of light (or illuminance) is measured by a luxmeter and the measured illuminance is displayed in lux (lx). Light quality is an occupational health and safety issue, thus, must be taken seriously. A system of lux measurement called light ergonomics can be used to define appropriate lux for a workplace. It is recommended that a work station (e.g. desk area) should have between 300 to 500 lux and 1200 to 1600 mm above floor level should be lit to 150 lux. Further recommendations on the lighting level are as shown in the table below.

Activity Light Level (Lux)
Performance of very special visual tasks of extremely low contrast and
small size
10000 – 20000
Performance of very prolonged and exacting visual tasks 5000 – 10000
Performance of visual tasks of low contrast and very small size for
prolonged periods of time
2000 – 5000
Detailed Drawing Work, Very Detailed Mechanical Works 1500 – 2000
Normal Drawing Work, Detailed Mechanical Workshops, Operation
Supermarkets, Mechanical Workshops, Office Landscapes 750
Normal Office Work, PC Work, Study Library, Groceries, Show Rooms,
Easy Office Work, Classes 250
Warehouses, Homes, Theaters, Archives 150
Working areas where visual tasks are only occasionally performed 100 – 150
Simple orientation for short visits 50 – 100
Public areas with dark surroundings 20 – 50
Office Space
General Office 500
Normal Work Stations 300 – 500
Conference Room, Executive Offices 500
Computer and Data Preparation Rooms 500
Filing Room 300
Conference Rooms 300
Training Rooms 500
Auditoria 150 – 200
Banks and Other Financial Institutions
Counter, Office Area 500
Waiting Area 300
Entrance Halls 100


Reception, Cashiers and Prospers’ Desks 300
Bars, Coffee Lounge, Dining Rooms, Restaurants Lounge 50 – 200
Cloakrooms, Baggage Rooms 100
Bathrooms 50 – 100
Bedrooms 150
Small Retail Outlets 500
Grocery, Vegetable Stores 1000
Showrooms 500 – 700
Covered Arcades and Malis 50 – 300
Public Areas
Entrance Lobbies, Atria 200
Elevator Lobbies, Public Corridors 200
Ped. Tunnels and Bridges 200
Stairwells 200
Support Spaces
Toilets 200
Staff Locker Rooms 200
Storage Rooms, Janitors’ Closets 200
Electrical Rooms, Generator Rooms 200
Mechanical Rooms 200
Communication Rooms 200
Loading Docks 200
Trash Rooms 200
Specialty Areas
Dining Areas 150-200 Kitchens 500 outleased Space 500 Physical Fitness
Space 500 Child Care Centers 500 Structured Parking, General Space
50 Structured Parking, Intersections 100 Structured Parking, Entrances
Dining Areas 150 – 200
Kitchens 500
Outleased Space 500
Physical Fitness Space 500
Child Care Centres 500
Structured Parking, General Space 50
Structure Parking, Intersections 100
Structure Parking, Entrances 500

Illuminance is achieved by the number, spacing, positioning and design of lighting points. Many light fixtures are designed to reflect light off walls, ceilings and objects. Illuminance is also determined by the colour temperature. For example, warmer colours (e.g. warm white) tend to
create more relaxed environment while cool white keeps staff alert.

Insufficient lighting can be corrected by:
Replacing bulbs on a regular schedule. Old bulbs give less light than new ones, so replace them before they burn out. Follow manufacturers’ instructions.
Clean light fixtures regularly. Dirt on light fixtures reduces the amount of light given off. Light fixtures with open tops allow air currents to move dust up through the fixtures so dust and dirt do not accumulate on them.
Add more light fixtures in appropriate places.
Paint walls and ceilings light colours so light can be reflected.
Use more reflected light and local lighting to eliminate shadows. For example, a covered light mounted under a transparent guard on a grinding wheel provides the added light needed to clearly see the task.
Do not position work station with light fixture directly behind a worker.

How to Make a Choice
Lumens are a better measurement to purchase light fixtures as compared to watts. One should therefore consider lumens to watts when deciding on light fixtures to purchase. For instance, an LED bulb can produce as many as 60 – 100 lumens per watt as compared to an incandescent bulb that only produces 12 – 17 watts. For purposes of conversion, please note that:

Brightness (Lumens) 250+ 450+ 800+
Standard 25W 40W 60W
LED 4W 5W 10W
CFL 6W 5W 10W

This implies that to replace a 40W standard bulb in your workplace, you need a bulb that gives 450 lumens. Comparatively, LED and CFL bulbs have less wattage but still produce more.

Contact us for on illumination assessment and correction for your workplace illumination: | +254 711 207 777 |


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