Ensure that the material used in water supply should ISI and best quality material available in the market.
Use the proper size of plumbing fixtures and devices for supply of water in sufficient volume and at pressure adequate to enable them to function satisfactorily under all normal conditions of use.
All pipe work should be planned so that the piping is accessible for inspection, replacement and repair.
Make provision of direct municipal supply should be kept in the kitchen for drinking water, cooking etc.
Ensure the use of air relief valve to prevent airlock.
Ensure the use other valves such as pressure relief valve, gate valve, sluice valve; ball valve etc should be used where they are required for smooth running and continue supply.
Ensure the joints of pipes and their accessories or fixtures are tight properly by using the white lead i.e. SAFEDA and tread i.e. SUTA to avoid leakage.
Make the chase in the wall so deep that there is enough space on the pipe for mortar filling to avoid cracks.
Lying of water supply pipes in the floor should be avoided.
Ensure the fixing of hooks on the pipes to kept pipes in position.
Before filling the chase of pipe in wall, test the pipe line for leakage and smooth flow of water.
Ensure that water supply pipe line does not cross the sewer line to avoid contamination of water.
Ensure that the water supply line and waste water pipe line should not be laid very close to each other.
Ensure that there should be no back flow from any cistern or appliance towards the source of supply.
No service pipe should be connected to any water closet or urinal. All such supplies shall be from flushing cistern which shall be supplied from storage tank.
Ensure the fixing of ball cock in water storage tank to avoid over flow of water.
Ensure to fix over flow pipe in water storage tank so that in case of overflow, water drain through rain water pipe without causing dampness in the structure.
Ensure to provide stop cock valve in main line, with water storage tank and in supply pipe from tank to inside the house.
See that friction losses are minimize, in case of change of direction or change of diameter of the pipe. If required should be gradual and not abrupt.


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